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Title:Chemical Fertilizer Agriculture Grade/Technical Grade N46 Wholesale Urea.

Chemical Fertilizer Agriculture Grade/Technical Grade N46 Wholesale Urea.


Urea.CO(HN2)2. also known as carbamide, is an important nitrogen fertilizer with high quality and high efficiency. Apart from its major use as a fertilizer, urea is also employed in the manufacture of paints glues. plastics paper texts. feed and weed control chemicals as well as a source of non- protein nitrogen.




25kg,50kg ,500kg,1000kg PP bag or pallet available ,Stored in cool, dry and draughty storehouse. Kept away form fire, heat source, moisture. Avoid packing damage. when necessary should be placing the waterproof canvas.


For more information and to order contact us by email or phone.

Check out all our contact information below.


whatsApp: +63 967 061 8856


Posted By:markjgalvan on 6/12/2024 12:44:55 AM
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